Hypnosis helps you hit the reset button!

Hypnosis is an excellent tool to use for helping you return to homeostasis. Many times clients don’t feel quite the same after undergoing anesthesia for lengthy surgical procedures. When they awaken they may not feel quite “right” or have a wild look in their eyes.

And that’s because when the subconscious mind is separated from the conscious mind for an extended period of time is can be very disconcerting to the client. Our subconscious mind is used to being able to connect with our conscious mind when it needs us to attend to something. For instance, you wake up in the middle of the night and realize you really have to go to the bathroom.  When you are under anesthesia the subconscious thinks it has lost connection because it can’t wake you up. So sometimes, clients find that they have difficulty falling asleep after the surgery. Your subconscious may be too afraid to let go and let you fall into a deep sleep.

Also, the subconscious mind is still awake while you’re under anesthesia and is listening to everything that is being said and done in the surgical suite.  That can be quite frightening.

Hypnosis is a wonderful way to reconnect the subconscious mind with the subconscious mind after anesthesia. It brings peace of mind all the way around and allows the client to fall into a deep sleep which is so needed after surgery. The body and mind both need that deep level of rest in order to recover fully and completely. Hypnosis helps!